Search results

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    Agree with mr Yannetti, PI worst, lost many Comp racers on this and to bring back VP C25 was good.
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    Div. 4 No Problem Race

    I'm coming
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    Freshened Gray Motorsports 500 F/S

    Can you give a some information on engine? what year is it built?
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    A big congratulations to both of you, enjoy your day
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    Complete racing operation

    Our LIVING THE DREAM USA RACE TOUR have come to the end it has been AWESOME, thank you all :) Comp A/DA former NHRA record holder and one of the coolest Comp car in NHRA. 2018 Neil& Parks 225”front engine dragster with an ProStock engine. Yes it has been a bull ride sometimes but car is now...
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    WTB: Long output shaft for Proflite

    Need an long output shaft and tailhousing for Proflite with PG splined yoke. Have a shorty kit for trade or sale if interested. mail.stigo(at)
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    Congratulations Craig Bourgeois

    Congrats to Gator winner Craig Bourgeois with team. And thanks for all the laughs, it’s a pleasure to have you as pit neighbors.
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    Div. 4 Comp Parking

    Hi Craig, plan to race at No Problem Raceway.
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    Congrats Champ
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    Way to go Art

    Congrats Art :)
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    Personal index question

    Thanks Greg for the explanation.
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    Personal index question

    Please help me understand the personal index system? On Mile High race this year a racer run 0,781 under A/DA index. The original index was lowered from 7,17 to 7,09 and the index at this altitude was lowered from 7,57 to 7,49 both of these adjustments are fully logical. But this racer only...
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    WTB Chiller

    Still looking for a chiller, 110 volt no ice design.
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    WTB Chiller

    Well Carey Bales don’t answer email. Anybody else that have a chiller for sale?
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    WTB Chiller

    In need of a Chiller 110v Stig Olsson
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    Friendly racers

    Back in Sweden after the first session of our USA Race Tour. Are overwhelmed by the welcoming, all the help and good wishes we received from both contestants and officials. And especially by all the Comp racers that took very good care off us and made us feel very welcome. We would like to say a...
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    Enter National Event

    On my way to enter my first national event and when i´m register on NHRA website it doesn't say anything about crew members. Do you buy their tickets on the track?
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    Have one with ring and one without, both in good shape. Going to Kansas in a couple of weeks can ship from there.
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    Money Monday

    Plan to be at that race if my new car get ready, if so I’m interested.
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    WTB D or E Protrans gear

    Wanted D or E Protrans gear. Email: mail.stigo(at)